
Page Created: 11/2/2014   Last Modified: 2/23/2025   Last Generated: 2/25/2025

This is a list of some of the notable programs that I have written over the years. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list but only those that I have chosen to open-source.

All of the programs below are free software licensed under GPL version 3 except for the SIMTHEO Decoder, which is licensed under LGPL version 3. A copy of the GPL license can be found here and the LGPL license can be found here.

FilenamePage LinkLanguageYear(s) CreatedLicense
Louia-1.0.tgzLouiaServerLua2025GPL 3
SimtheoDecoder-1.2.tgzMorseDecodedC2016-2018LGPL 3
TrillSat-1.1.tgzTrillSatC, Lua, Python 2/3, OpenSCAD, Bash2016-2018GPL 3
OswaldBot-1.3.tgzOswaldBotPython 22013-2016GPL 3
ScratchedInSpace-1.3.tgzScratchedInSpacePerl 52013-2015GPL 3
ScratchedInTime-1.5.tgzScratchedInTimePerl 52013-2015GPL 3
IdThreePlugin-1.0.tgzIdThreePluginPerl 52013GPL 3
BashTalkRadioBash2008-2016GPL 3
calculator_source.pdfCalculateThisC1996GPL 3
creditcardprogram_basic.pdfLinearDepressionVisual BASIC1995GPL 3
creditcardprogram_c_not_working.pdfLinearDepressionC++1995GPL 3
PhoneSystemSourceCodeAssembly.pdfThePhoneSystem6510 Assembly1991GPL 3
PhoneSystemSourceCodeBasic.pdfThePhoneSystemC64 BASIC1991GPL 3
factorial_c64_source.pdfAbscissaMantissaSchmishaC64 BASIC1989GPL 3
myfirstprogram.pdfMy first computer program, age 13.TRS-80 BASIC1983GPL 3